Discover Hull at your own pace with our free MP3 audio guide. It is a unique way of exploring Hull. You can listen directly or download the walk to your MP3 player, iPad, iPhone or android device and let us guide you through our incredible city. Discover Hull’s Maritime past as you explore the City’s Old Town, the Town Docks and Riverside Quay.

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The Hull Heritage Walk has 9 stages plus a brief introduction.
Stage 1 starts facing the front of Hull City Hall in Queen Victoria Square.
Please listen to the Introduction & Background first and then take the walk in any order you wish.
To listen directly click on the triangle at the beginning of the stage
To download click on the description above it then go to your download file
Introduction & Background – 3 mins
If you have any comments about the guide or its contents then please feel free to contact us here.
The full walk, without breaks, should take about two hours but it could take all day if you really want to get into the heart of our wonderful city. For those who want more information about a particular subject or area, please refer to the Want to Know More? section of this website, as well as our Now & Then section.
We support the Hull City Council’s Be a ‘Smart Pedestrian’ campaign
The guide is full of fascinating information which takes you back over the centuries. However we cannot do the same for modern traffic! So please follow the guidelines mentioned in the audio and be aware at all times, of roads traffic and other pedestrians. We want you to observe the fine building and interesting alleyways you’ll pass on the way but please be equally observant of your surroundings.
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